领导 & 就业机会


 Take your education to the next level and become a student leader!

在学术和职业成功中心, we provide a variety of leadership opportunities for our students. 参与, 制作简历, 并通过成为同伴领袖来帮助他人, 同伴导师, 写作老师, 同行的导师, 或SI领导.

的同学 & 如果领导人

你对某一主题有激情吗? 你喜欢帮助别人吗? 你的学习能力强吗? 如果答案是肯定的, then becoming a tutor or Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader might be the right job for you!

如果你对成为同伴导师有疑问, 学习小组或补充指导组长见 考特尼Bringley 在205号图书馆或 特蕾西艾略特 在图书馆208-A.

要求: 导师和科学探究组长的成绩为3分.0 or higher GPA as well as an A in the course they are tutoring and they must receive recommendations from two faculty members.



你还记得第一篇大学论文有多难吗? Or how confusing citations were before you got them down?  作为同行写作导师, you would guide students through the writing process from outlining to final formatting.



还记得迎新会上那个穿马球的高年级学生吗? 也可能是你! Run activities and get new students involved in every corner of campus. Join the team and help perfect the most important week of Freshman year.


The 学术和职业成功中心 is always looking to hire qualified students with leadership potential, who excel in their course work and possess strong communication and interpersonal skills.

完成申请流程后, student leaders will receive training in accordance with nationally recognized standards for both general learning strategies and for specific subject areas. See the application dropdowns below to access the descriptions for each student leader position.


The CACS employs approximately 40 peer tutors every year to serve more than half of the student body at 宝盈bbin官方登录. We are looking for students who have excelled in their classes and who would like to help others do the same.

作为导师, you’ll be working with small groups of 1 to 4 students, 学习技能方面的工作, 目标设定, and reinforcement and management of course-specific content. You will receive training to help you become a better student and facilitator of learning.

另一个机会是成为学习小组组长. 学习小组由参加课程的导师领导. They are groups of 3 to 12 students who work together in a collaborative format. You don’t need to answer all the questions but you should be making sure the information is accurate while helping facilitate the session and keep everyone on task.

Tutoring is a great way to 制作简历 while working on campus. Click on the link below to access our tutor application form.



申请成为SI Leader
Supplemental Instruction leaders have a special ability to lead a group of 5 to 50 students. They’re expected to engage students and help them learn how study and understand the information needed to do well. 他们不是教授,也不是老师. 他们是已经完成课程的同学.
We look for Supplemental Instruction leaders based their interpersonal communication skills and leadership qualities, 还有教授的推荐信. To become an SI Leader, please fill out the application form linked below.

写作指导 work with students to help them develop writing skills. Our center employs peer 写作指导 who have demonstrated strength in writing and excellent interpersonal skills. 宝盈bbin官方登录的写作导师不只是批评写作, they teach our students how to better understand the writing process and ultimately become better writers.

如果你有兴趣成为一名写作导师, please fill out the tutor application form linked below and submit it in to the Center for Academic & 事业成功. If you have any questions about this leadership position, please contact 特蕾西艾略特.



The CACS hires approximately 20 students to work as Welcome Week 同行的领导人 each fall semester and approximately 4 students to work as Winter Welcome 同行的领导人 each spring semester. This exciting and crucial leadership role focuses on welcoming new students to the 宝盈bbin官方登录 community and making sure they have the best transition possible! If you are interested in becoming a Peer Leader please click on the link below to access more information. 如果您有任何问题,请与宝盈bbin官方登录联系 考特尼Bringley.



学术中心 & 事业成功 hires over 40 peer tutors every year to serve more than half of the student body at Paul Smith’s College. We are looking for help supporting the CACS in a variety of ways: clerical work, 前台服务员, 以及数据录入和管理. The student must be in good 学术 standing and be actively attending classes. 有基本办公经验者优先. Students must have two references and submit a resume.




学术中心 & 事业成功 is looking to hire approximately 10 students to work as 同行的导师s during the fall and spring semesters. This is a new and critical leadership role that we are excited to bring to our campus starting Spring 2019. You will serve as a mentor and leader to your fellow peers, guiding them on their 宝盈bbin官方登录 journey through pre-registration, 学术 & 职业生涯路径. If you are interested in becoming a 同行的导师 please click on the link below to access more information. 如果您有任何问题,请与宝盈bbin官方登录联系 莫林Pellerin.

同侪导师信息 & 应用程序



“我做家教已经一年多了. The Academic Success Center is such an important part of this campus and community and has helped so many students succeed.”

酒店、度假村 & 旅游管理- 2016级

“I tutor in the ASC and think it is a very resourceful and successful program for a small school. It brings students to work together and succeed in their 学术 pursuits. Many subjects are covered and all students get the help they need.”



